Rowena Kalloo

Dr Kalloo has been an educator for over 30 years. She began her career as an Integrated Science Teacher at Mucurapo Senior Comprehensive School in 1983, where she taught for 6 years. She has also worked as a Science Educator at the Yapollo, Niherst. After completion of her Masters in Teacher Education she worked as a teacher educator at the Corinth and Valsayn Teachers’ colleges (1994- 2006), before becoming an Assistant Professor of Education at UTT in the B.Ed programme (2008). In 2015, she assumed the post of Lecturer in Education (Biology) at the University of the West Indies in St Augustine. She completed a post- doctoral Masters of Teaching(MAT) Biological Science, Global Field Program, with Miami University, Ohio(MuOhio). She has been the chief facilitator of STEM education workshops in several OECS countries and Trinidad and Tobago (2015 and continuing). In 2015 she participated in the internationally renowned Le Main a La Pate’s inquiry based science education workshops in Paris. She has presented at conferences internationally and has published in referred journals. Her special interest are science education, environmental science and conservation, innovative classroom practice, and peace-building discipline. She has worked extensively in communities throughout Trinidad and Tobago in the promotion of human rights and advocating to end all forms of violence against women and children.
Ph.D (Primary classrooms: teacher- pupil relationships), 2008/UWI
MAT (Masters in Teaching Biological Science – Global Field Program), 2015/Miami University at Ohio (MUOhio)
M.Ed (Teacher Education/primary specialization), 1992/UWI
Dip Ed (Secondary Integrated Science), 1986/UWI
BSc (Zoology/Biochemistry), 1982/UWI